So what do we mean by "happiness". A lot of people associate the word happiness with an emotional state that is usually associated with pleasure and comfort. But this is temporary, and happens when something "good" happens. There is nothing wrong with that happiness either, but usually it goes away also, it's a matter of time, and then we're looking for happiness again, chasing a mirage. So it is not this emotional elation we feel, absolute happiness can't be an emotion. We can buy a car, house, a vacation and so many other things which give us momentary happiness, but true happiness can't be bought at any cost. Temporary happiness comes from fulfilled desires, thinking about me, I and mine, and eventually leaves us looking for permanent happiness. I see a lot of people who seems happy, but most people become unhappy at the loss of a family member, or loss of job/wealth/fame/power, or when diagnosed with a disease.
Most of us think of happiness as the opposite of unhappiness. Some say that unless you know deep sorrow you cannot know happiness. I am not talking about this pair of opposites, happiness-unhappiness. How can something that comes and goes be true happiness? No. I am referring to bliss, which is beyond the duality of happiness-unhappiness. Haven't counted how many time Sri Krishna mentions being free of 'Sukha-Dukha' (happiness-unhappiness) duality in the Bhagavad Gita. The nature of Atma (soul) is bliss. When we seek happiness we are actually seeking the substratum of our existence - which is bliss.
The more we are established in this bliss that is permanent, unmoving, and unchanging, we will not be brutally thrashed by our ups and downs of emotions and battered by events and situations, or react to people.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says to be happy in the "now", not to postpone happiness. How often are we happy right now, without wanting something or waiting for something to happen in the future? How often is our happiness without conditions, "When this happens...", "When I have this...", etc.? How often are we in touch with that bliss inside, without a desire being fulfilled? True happiness is unconditional. Standing on top of a mountain, looking out at the vastness, or being in the open ocean and feeling that expanse, with arms open wide and the wind blowing on my face, ah! Bliss!
How often can we overcome challenges without becoming unhappy? We can have emotions of sadness at the loss of our father, for example, but still stay unmoved inside, balanced, equanimous. This comes from being established in the Self and from the wisdom that within I remain untouched. Are we in touch with a different quality of happiness in the core of our being which is bliss? Or is it heavily covered with our mind, emotions and existence. Rarely are we in touch with our Self. Like an ocean, there is turbulence on the surface but as you dive deep into the ocean there is only calm, serenity, silence.
The causes of misery are many, I know them, they are stated in the scriptures as ignorance, ego, desires, aversions, and fear. The solutions for happiness are few, so let me seek them. Better than fighting the darkness is to light a candle. H. H. Dalai Lama says from "I want happiness," remove the "I" (ego), the "want" (desire) and you will be left with "happiness". The Vedas say that the true nature of the soul is "Existence", "Consciousness", and "Bliss". So how to know this is what I am?! Certainly a relief to know that I am not this angry, impatient, imperfect mass of flesh! But how be established in that bliss that I supposedly am? How to be happy? I gave it some thought and realized that I need to be dispassionate and compassionate - at the same time. This bliss is very close to the quality of unconditional compassion and devotion.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna mentions that one who has discipline and control over his senses and mind is a happy person. Sri Krishna also says that a disintegrated, undisciplined person cannot gain clarity of knowledge about Truth and therefore cannot contemplate or meditate. A person who can't meditate can't experience peace, he will remain restless. How can a restless person be happy?
In the 6th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna, talks about meditation and the happiness gained from it. That bliss is not of and cannot be experienced by the body, senses or the mind, it is beyond that.
Meditation brings me in touch with the core of my existence. There's a feeling of elevation. I don't know what it is, if it's just an experience or is it's for real, but it feels so good, deeply relaxing. I feel like I've come home and happily resting, I can let go and relax. This ah! feeling you expansion. I feel a calm peaceful bliss permeating and expanding from my heart. This presence is much larger...beyond my physical existence. Don't know exactly how to explain it. It's like a rose and it's fragrance. This fragrance is the essence of the rose, it spreads much farther than the rose and cannot be seen. Being in touch with that essence, that fragrance, transcends the rose, the physical body. And that fragrance is this bliss I'm talking about. That calm sweet tender joyful fullness! In this fullness all desires have succumbed and there are no pestering thoughts. See it's much easier to extract the fragrance of bliss from the rose within than to obtain bliss from the harsh world outside.
Swami Tejomayananda (Chinmaya Mission) has something very intriguing in his 'Tips for Happy Living'. He says that when there is no integration between mind, intellect and sense organs then we can't be happy. Our intellect has a conviction for what is right, but our mind has it's own temptations and cravings, and then the senses are extroverted and disintegrates the will further. Also, he says, there should be oneness in thoughts, words and deeds. A lot of times we think one thing, say another and do something completely different. How can we be happy with ourselves if these don't line up? There should be sweetness in our thoughts and this should flow to our words, and then spread sweetness through our actions - this will bring happiness to oneself and others. It starts from the source, the core of our being, the most subtle aspect, and it is all bliss.
How can bliss come from anything temporary? Yet all our desires are for temporary things, and unhappiness is also from transient events. Then happiness and unhappiness is temporary as well. Nothing that changes can be called absolute truth or absolutely real. The cause of desires is ignorance, the attachment to this physical existence. That's why I said this bliss has to be devoid of desires, that is dispassion, and dispassion is not dry or empty it is full of compassion. Bliss can only be regained, rediscovered, uncovered from the realization of our true nature, which is eternal bliss. Let me take it for granted till I shed this ignorance. Let me meditate and get in touch with it again and again...
"The bliss the scriptures are talking about cannot be induced artificially because it is not related to the physical or the mental or even the intellectual plane. In fact, one cannot do anything to bring it about. One just prepares oneself and awaits its happening as a realization. It is not a 'state'. One becomes of the nature of bliss." -Sri Ananadamayi Ma
The journey of life is to go from the head to the spiritual heart. Even though I earnestly seek liberation, let me take it for granted that I am a reflection of that free Self. The grand design is making everything happen. Like sunrise and sunset, this creation is moving from creation towards dissolution only to be created again. My current understanding of myself as being a limited being, a spec in the grand scheme of things is an incomplete understanding. I am the Absolute-being, the Brahman, whose dream is this creation. I AM! Who knows if all this is true, and will I ever know. Let me work on being happy, imbibe good virtues and values to be a good human being. Let me implement what I know and live from my heart. This life, people, this world, and all of creation is an amazing mystery. My mind and my perceptions creates my reality. This mind goes from one understand about life and the world to another, it keeps evolving and changing. Feels like we reject a previous understanding like a delusion and create a new delusional view. The mind creates worlds within worlds, but when I transcend the mind, through meditation, I feel permanence. There is something that is permanent... On a few occasions in life I have seen this life as a dream.